Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mine's the cutest

So, I went to my child's winter performance a.k.a. Christmas concert tonight. And I must say she was the cutest child there. Sure there were a lot of cuties but my was pretty dang cute. She got to wear her jammies and get a present from Santa. Of course she was bragging that her present -which was a stuffed bear, was the biggest. (they all got bears, it was part of a song or something) It's good to know she's not the only one with a little mouth full of crazy big teeth all different sizes. -heehee- must be the age group. If I would have remembered my camera I could have put in a pic of it, but no, I did not. Grandma did, but I doubt she'll forward one in an e-mail. Any ways, it was nice "running" into my old running buddies. Oh the crazy times we've had.


Shersy said...

Had to let you know I checked your blog. Very nice! Keep up the great posts :) Loves!

SILLYA said...

Your kid was definitely one of the cutest there, but there was this cute 5th grader that I kept my eye on...it was a good program...minus the claustrophobia...I sure liked seeing you there!